网络知识 娱乐 瑰丽奇幻!贵州“溶洞博物馆”


Zhijin Cave in Bijie City. (Photo: Wei Yunsheng)

毕节织金洞。魏运生 摄

Guizhou, just like a "cave museum", is home to various kinds of karst caves. In addition to Zhijin Cave, which has recently been rated as a 5A-level scenic spot, there are more fascinating karst landscapes in Guizhou to explore. You won't feel the charm until you come to see for yourself.


A giant karst sinkhole photographed in Lapao Village, Shitun Town, Wangmo County. (Photo: Zhang Fan)

望谟县石屯镇拉袍村巨型天坑。张帆 摄

Yoga enthusiasts practice yoga in a cave in Longgong Village, Yangchang Town, Dafang County, Bijie City. (Photo: Luo Dafu)

毕节市大方县羊场镇陇公村天然溶洞里,瑜伽爱好者在练习瑜伽。罗大富 摄

Yumen Cave scenic spot in Cengong County is crowded with tourists. (Photo: Tang Peng)

岑巩县玉门洞景区游人如织。唐鹏 摄

The scenery of Getu River Scenic Area in Ziyun County. (Photo: Cheng Hongkai)

紫云县格凸河景区风光。程洪凯 摄

Miao people do the cave dancing in Gaopo Township, Huaxi District, Guiyang City. (Photo: Yu Zhichang)

贵阳市花溪区高坡乡苗族跳洞活动。于志昌 摄

Laolin River Scenic Area in Yuqing County. (Photo: Hu Zhigang)

余庆县老林河风景区。胡志刚 摄

View of the Qianlong Cave in Wuluo Town, Songtao Miao Autonomous County. (Photo: Long Yuanbin)

松桃苗族自治县乌罗镇潜龙洞景观。龙元彬 摄

The spectacle stalactites of Longtan Cave in Guiyang's Tianhetan Scenic Area. (Photo: Diao Zhongrong)

天河潭龙潭洞石钟乳奇观。刁忠荣 摄

Tourists take a boat trip in the Longgong Scenic Area in Anshun City. (Photo: Chen Xi)

游客乘船在安顺市龙宫景区游玩。陈熙 摄

Tourists visit the underground river valley in Shuanghe Cave, Suiyang County. (Photo: Huang Yun)

游客游览绥阳双河溶洞地下河谷景观。黄云 摄

Tourists visit Guidong Cave by boat in Sansui County. (Photo: Liu Sanlong)

游客乘船进入三穗贵洞观景。刘三隆 摄

The scenery in Zhijin Cave. (Photo: Zhang Kai)

织金洞风光。贵州日报天眼新闻记者 张凯 摄


Editor: Wang Ziyi Xu Ran

Senior Editor: Wang Luyao