网络知识 娱乐 PMP新考纲 敏捷题目 (二)

PMP新考纲 敏捷题目 (二)

A project has short iterative planning and executing cycles where the requirements are progressively elaborated. The key stakeholders are continuously involved and provide frequent feedback allowing the team to respond to changes more quickly. What is the best way for the project manager to manage quality in this type of project environment?

A: 通过定期进行质量审计
By conducting periodic quality audits

B: 通过使用确认范围过程
By using the Validate Scope process

C: 通过安排定期回顾
By scheduling regular retrospectives

D: 通过使用质量控制矩阵
By using the quality control matrix

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P50 章节:5.2.1 回顾总结会:回顾是最重要的一个实践,原因是它能让团队学习、改进和调整其过程。 从题干分析,这是一个敏捷方法,只有C回顾会属于敏捷的方法。


To develop Project Deliverable, Project Management plan specifies that an analyst should provide data sets to project team at the beginning of each iteration. At the daily standup developer reported that there are no data sets available as analyst left company and role is not backfilled. Which action is appropriate out of following (Choose Two)

A: 提交变更请求以更新成本和进度基准

Submit a change request to update cost and schedule baseline

B: 检查风险登记册,看是否有足够的应对

Check the risk register and see if there is an adequate response

C: 与负责人一起将问题记录在风险登记册中

Record the problem in risk register with responsible person

D: 终止项目,因为现在没有前进计划

Terminate the project as there is no path forward now

正确答案:B,C 你的答案:B,C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P455 章节: 风险登记册 · 已识别单个项目风险 · 风险责任人 · 商定的风险应对策略 · 以及具体的应对措施。 遇风险,先查册。

33、 由于三天前出现的问题没有得到解决,所以冲刺中计划好的任务未能完成。项目经理希望在未来防止这种情况的发生。项目经理应该做什么?
A planned task in a sprint does not get completed due to an issue that appeared three days ago but did not get resolved. The Project Manager wants to prevent this type of situation in the future. What should the Project Manager do?

A: 在回顾期间检查问题
During the retrospective, examine the issue

B: 在演示中解决这个问题
In the demo, address the issue

C: 在下一次迭代规划会议期间讨论这个问题
During the next iteration planning meeting, discuss the issue

D: 在接下来的每日站会上,审查该问题
In the next daily standup meeting, review the issue

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P50 章节:5.2.1 回顾总结会:回顾是最重要的一个实践,原因是它能让团队学习、改进和调整其过程。 回顾总结会的主要目的是总结经验教训。

You are leading a project that was supposed to be managed using agile methods. Every week, however, the product owner holds a five-hour backlog refinement meeting with the project team where she presents the project scope broken down to the work package level. After three iterations, the project team's velocity is slower than expected. What is your best course of action?

A: 使产品负责人将范围分解到任务级别,并将任务分配给团队成员
Ask the product owner to decompose the scope down to the task level and assign the tasks to the team members

B: 建议产品负责人每周召开两次5小时的待办事项列表细化会议,以进一步明确范围
Advise the product owner to hold two five-hour backlog refinement meetings per week to gain further clarity on the scope

C: 通过每周1小时的待办事项列表细化会议,指导产品负责人介绍总体故事概念
Coach the product owner on presenting the overall story concept with one-hour weekly backlog refinement meetings

D: 与团队成员和产品负责人进行团队建设练习,以改善他们之间的沟通
Hold a team-building exercise with the team members and product owner to improve the communication between them

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:41 章节:4.3.2 产品负责人Product Owner: · 创建待办列表并排序 · 确认工作优先顺序 · 提供反馈 · 指导开发方向 指导PO完成他的角色内容。

Midway into an iteration, an agile team faces a minor technical issue. One of the team members recalls that the agile coach is an expert in the field from her past experience as a senior developer. The team requests that the coach help resolve the issue. What should the agile coach do first?

A: 让团队解决问题
Let the team resolve the issue

B: 帮助团队解决问题
Help the team resolve the issue

C: 为团队解决问题
Resolve the issue for the team

D: 咨询产品负责人
Consult with the product owner

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P35 章节: 仆人式领导的促进作用:促进者将帮助每个人各尽所能地思考和工作。促进者鼓励团队参与、理解,并对团队输出共同承担责任。促进者帮助团队创建可接受的解决方案。 问题比较小,让团队自己解决,可以促进他们的技术能力和协作能力。

You have joined a project in which requirements are elaborated at periodic intervals during delivery, and the delivery is divided into subsets of the overall product. Change is incorporated at periodic intervals, and risk and cost are controlled by progressively elaborating the plans with new information. Key stakeholders are regularly involved. What development approach is used on your project?

A: 敏捷 Agile

B: 预测 Predictive

C: 混合 Hybrid

D: 周期 Periodic

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P26 章节:3.1.6 混合生命周期的特征:对于整个项目,没有必要使用单一的方法。为达到特定的目标,项目经常要结合不同的生命周期要素。预测、迭代、增量和/或敏捷方法的组合就是一种混合方法。 排除法: A,敏捷型需要频繁的交付与计划 B,预测是一次性交付,不会定期包含变更

37、 由于不确定的市场环境和即将到来的项目的复杂性,贵公司正在考虑从传统的项目管理方式向混合的项目管理方式过渡。公司要求你研究各种选择,以整合新的项目管理实践,帮助公司更接近目标。以下哪一项你最不可能推荐?
Due to an uncertain market environment and complexity of upcoming projects, your company is considering a transition from a traditional to hybrid project management approach. The company tasks you with researching various options for incorporating new project management practices that would help the company move closer to its goal. Which of the following would you least likely recommend?

A: 让业务分析人员参与需求管理
Involving business analysts in requirements management

B: 在初始项目规划期间增加详细程度
Increasing the level of detail during initial project planning

C: 实施工具以识别复杂的项目要素
Implementing tools to identify complex project elements

D: 结合敏捷、增量和迭代实践
Incorporating agile, incremental, and iterative practices


解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P26 章节:3.1.6 混合生命周期的特征:对于整个项目,没有必要使用单一的方法。为达到特定的目标,项目经常要结合不同的生命周期要素。预测、迭代、增量和/或敏捷方法的组合就是一种混合方法。 B是明显的预测型。

An organization is transitioning from predictive project management to agile. As a project manager, your upcoming project will require compliance reporting that will need to be submitted to internal auditors due to regulatory oversight. How might you address the need for compliance reporting in this hybrid environment?

A: 与审计师合作来简化过程
Work with the auditors to streamline the process

B: 任命一位团队成员完成合规性报告
Task one of the team members to complete the compliance reporting

C: 将合规报告的责任转移给法律部门
Transfer the responsibility of compliance reporting to the legal department

D: 避免敏捷,因为它不适合在监管环境中运行的项目
Avoid agile as it not suitable for projects that operate in a regulatory environment

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P35 章节: 消除组织障碍仆人式领导还应该关注其他冗长的过程,这些过程往往造成瓶颈问题,阻碍团队或组织的敏捷性。可能需要处理的过程或部门的例子包括,财务部门、变更控制委员会或审计部门。仆人式领导可以与他人携手合作,质疑和审核他们的过程,为敏捷团队和领导提供支持。 审计一般属于瓶颈过程,阻碍了团队快速交付价值。

The third iteration of an agile project is underway. A stakeholder is not happy with the progress the team made so far. The stakeholder approaches the team and requests that from now on the team informs her about the status of their work on an ongoing basis. How should a servant leader respond?

A: 邀请相关方参加每日站会、迭代审查和回顾
Invite the stakeholder to the daily standups, iteration reviews, and retrospectives

B: 向相关方解释敏捷项目不鼓励进度监督
Explain to the stakeholder that agile projects discourage progress monitoring

C: 建议相关方定期审查信息发射源
Suggest that the stakeholder periodically reviews the information radiators

D: 向相关方提供绩效测量基准
Provide the stakeholder with the performance measurement baseline

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P152 章节:术语表 信息发射源它是一种可见的实物展示其向组织内其他成员提供信息在不干扰团队的情况下即时实现知识共享。信息发射源一般包括看板、燃尽图、燃起图、障碍日志等 相关方去看信息发射源也能起到同样作用还不干扰团队。A回顾会不需要。

Your company has been contracted by a client for a software development project. The project will use agile methods to deliver product increments. For the client, however, this project will be their first experience with agile. You want to make sure that the client gains the full benefit of early and continuous delivery of software. What is your best course of action?

A: 制定变更管理计划来应对不可避免的变更
Develop a change management plan to address the inevitable changes

B: 请求客户参与产品测试以加快交付速度
Request the client to take part in product testing to speed up delivery

C: 在项目可交付成果的时间安排上获得与客户的一致
Gain alignment with the client on the timing of project deliverables

D: 指导项目团队在单个版本中开发所有功能
Instruct the project team to develop all features in a single release

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P55 章节:5.2.5 展示/评审:使项目敏捷的一个基本要素是频繁地交付工作产品。一个没有展示或发布的团队,其学习的速度不会快,并且很可能并未采用敏捷技术。团队可能需要额外的引导来保证频繁的交付。 使用项目敏捷的一个基本要素是频繁地交付工作产品。

A team decides that an agile approach fits the needs of the next phase in their project. Unfortunately, there are team members who have not had the appropriate agile training. How should the project manager respond to the lack of agile training?

A: 在变更请求中包含对这些团队成员的敏捷培训。
Include agile training for these team members in a change request.

B: 确保项目应急储备可以覆盖所有团队成员的敏捷培训
Ensure the projects contingency reserve can cover agile training for all team members.

C: 为关键团队成员创建虚拟培训课程,涵盖主要敏捷课题。
Create virtual training sessions for key team members, covering the main agile topics.

D: 为团队成员确定并实施最具成本效益的敏捷培训
Identify and implement the most cost-effective agile training for the team members.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P34 章节:4.2.1 仆人式领导的职责:对相关技能有更多接触、或者接受过相关培训的仆人式领导可以通过提供培训或开展这些活动来为团队提供支持。 AB为预测项目的方法C培训以当面形式更好一些

You are handling a project to develop a product for one of your clients. You have decided on Agile methodology for development. You notice that the client is not very involved in the project because they believe that once the order has been placed with you, your team should deliver the product within the time and cost agreed on. What would be the best approach in this scenario?

A: 在项目的开始签署
Take a sign-off at the beginning of the project

B: 与产品负责人合作,并进行冲刺审查
Engage product owner and conduct sprint reviews

C: 等待客户提供反馈
Wait for the client to give you feedback

D: 基于类似的项目做出决定
Make a decision based on similar projects

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:41 章节:4.3.2 产品负责人Product Owner:创建待办列表并排序、确认工作优先顺序、提供反馈、指导开发方向 在Scrum中,一切对客户的沟通为PO。

You have been assigned to lead an agile project. However, when you meet with your team for the first time, you realize that due to various company's imposed constraints, most of the team members would not be able to be 100% dedicated to the project. What is your best course of action?

A: 将开发方法从敏捷切换到Scrum
Switch the development approach from agile to scrum

B: 将迭代时间从两周增加到四周
Increase iteration length from two to four weeks

C: 向加班的团队成员提供奖励
Offer rewards to the team members to work overtime

D: 根据个人能力调整任务
Adjust assignments based on individual capacity

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P44 章节:4.3.5 专职小组成员:任务切换时,人员工作效率的损失在 20% 到 40% 之间。随着任务数量的增加,效率损失会呈指数级增长。团队通过使用协作工具来跟踪和监督他们的工作进度,并根据个人的能力来调整工作分配。 敏捷倡导专职,若实在无法专职,则需要根据团队能力自行安排调整任务

A customer is not satisfied with the delivered product, saying that it was not what they expected. The project manager is surprised, because the agile development team delivered the product several iterations early. What is one way that the project manager could have avoided this result?

A: 要求团队对需求的每一个持续的变更签字
Required team sign off for each of the constant changes to the requirements

B: 在做出变更之后,为产品测试留出更多资源
Set aside more resources for product testing after changes are made

C: 确保客户意识到演示的价值
Made sure that the customer was aware of the value of demos

D: 确保团队充分参与开发项目范围
Ensured that the team fully participated in developing the project scope

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P57 章节:5.2.8 交付的第一部分是一次演示。团队会收到关于产品的外观和运行方式的反馈。团队成员回顾如何检查和调整有关过程以取得成功。演示或评审是敏捷项目流程的必要组成部分。为团队的交付节奏安排适当的演示。 演示或评审是必要组成部分。演示与反馈要频繁进行

A new Project Manager joins the projects daily standups only to find that the project team spends too much time discussing ways to deal with obstructions in the project. Because of these discussions, standups often last well over two hours. What process should be used to deal with this issue?

A: 让团队成员邀请他们的经理参加站会,以便更快地找到解决方案。
Ask team members to invite their managers to standup sessions in order to find solutions more quickly

B: 向团队成员解释,长时间的讨论占用项目实际工作的时间
Explain to team members that long discussions take time away from actual work on the project

C: 加入新的团队成员,他将负责管理障碍并安排额外的会议来讨论可能的解决方案
Insert a new team member who will manage obstacles and schedule additional meetings to discuss possible solutions

D: 告诉团队成员,他们需要缩短站会时间并改进寻找解决方案的工作
Tell the team members that they are required to shorten the standup meetings and improve on finding solutions

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P54 章节:5.2.4 为每日站会规定时间盒,不超出 15 分钟。站会是为了发现存在问题,而不是解决它们。将问题添加到停车场区,然后创建另一次会议,它可以在站会之后立即召开,并在会上解决问题。 每日站会不解决问题。

46、 在具挑战性的股东会议期间,客户表明他们将拒绝迭代的可交付成果。项目经理应该做什么?
During a challenging shareholder meeting, the customer indicates that they will reject an iteration's deliverable. What should the project manager do?

A: 向项目发起人发送请求,要求他们更新项目章程,然后重新分配职责和权限。
Send a request to the project sponsor, asking them to update the project charter then reassign the responsibilities and authorities.

B: 与项目团队会面,添加新的和改进的功能,以取代被拒绝的功能。
Meet with the project team to add new and improved features to replace the features that were rejected

C: 与相关方合作,以建立解决关心问题的共同方法。
Work with stakeholders to create a shared approach that will address the issues of concern.

D: 向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交变更请求,以向基准增加预算
File a change request with the change control board (CCB) in order to add budget to the baseline.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P73 章节:6.1.1 敏捷方法强调频繁并尽早交付项目输出。但是,接收组织可能尚未做好加速纳入这些输出的充分准备。加速交付将会考验组织适应该交付的能力。成功发现和交付项目功能是不够的。如果组织抗拒项目输出,则会延迟目标投资回报。客户接受并支持项目输出在敏捷环境中日益盛行。 需要与组织内相关方以及客户在敏捷交付方法中共同努力。

An agile team has just completed the development of the final project's deliverable. The team members are seeking advice from the project manager as to their next step. What should the project manager advise the team to do next?

A: 确定验收标准
Determine the acceptance criteria

B: 确保用户故事符合准备就绪的定义(DoR)
Ensure that the user stories meet the definition of ready (DoR)

C: 举行项目回顾
Hold a project retrospective

D: 验证可交付成果是否符合完成的定义(DoD)
Verify that the deliverables meet the definition of done (DoD)

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P151 章节:术语表 完成的定义DoD:它是团队需要满足的所有标准的核对单,只有可交付成果满足该核对单才能视为准备就绪可供客户使用。 敏捷项目完成后,检查DOD,以验证是否满足标准

48、 一个敏捷团队正在一起做他们的第一个项目。第一次迭代的目标没有实现,并且开发团队的成员之间存在重大分歧。在迭代回顾中,我们发现一些团队成员工作时间不固定,并且在需要他们的时候工作繁忙。敏捷教练本可以做什么不同的事情来防止这种情况?
An agile team is working on their first project together. The objectives for the first iteration were missed, and there is significant dissension among the members of the development team. During the iteration retrospective, it is discovered that some team members are working odd hours and have been unavailable when needed. What might the agile coach have done differently to prevent this situation?

A: 规定团队的标准工作时间
Mandated standard working hours for the team

B: 要求职能部门领导介入
Asked the functional leader to intervene

C: 没有办法能阻止描述的情况
Nothing could have prevented the situation described

D: 促进会议建立社会契约
Facilitated a meeting to establish a social contract

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P50 章节:5.1 团队价值观,例如可持续开发速度和核心工作时间;工作协议,例如“就绪”如何定义;“完成”如何定义;考虑时间盒;或使用工作过程限制;基本规则,例如有关一个人在会议上发言的规定;团队规范,例如团队如何对待会议时间。 团队章程,即团队的社会契约,规定团队成员间彼此互动的方式

The project management plan for a two-phase project indicates that marke