网络知识 娱乐 获取股票实时行情数据 Access数据库系统功能讲解VBA代码编程实例

获取股票实时行情数据 Access数据库系统功能讲解VBA代码编程实例

获取股票实时行情数据 Access数据库系统功能讲解VBA代码编程实例

Private Sub Command查询_Click()

If Me.查询股票代码 <> "" Then

Dim scode As String

scode = Me.查询股票代码

If IsNumeric(scode) = False Then

MsgBox "请输入正确股票代码"

Exit Sub

End If


Exit Sub

End If

Call 获取并显示股票数据(scode)

End Sub

Public Function getstockbasicdatafun(ByVal codetext As String) As String

Dim url As String '数据获取地址

If codetext <> "" Then

url = "" & codetext

With CreateObject("msxml2.XMLHTTP")

.Open "get", url, False


If UBound(Split(.responsetext, "~")) > 2 Then

getstockbasicdatafun = .responsetext


getstockbasicdatafun = .responsetext

End If

End With


getstockbasicdatafun = "none"

End If

End Function

Sub 获取并显示股票数据(ByVal scode As String)

On Error GoTo 错误清空


If Left(scode, 1) = 6 Then

scode = "sh" & scode


scode = "sz" & scode

End If


Dim code_data As String

code_data = getstockbasicdatafun(scode)

If code_data = "none" Then

MsgBox "未找到该股票"


Me.股票代码 = ""

Me.名称 = ""

Me.当前价 = ""

Me.涨跌 = ""

Me.当前涨幅 = ""

Me.开盘价 = ""

Me.最高价 = ""

Me.最低价 = ""

Exit Sub

End If


Dim stockitem_array1

stockitem_array1 = Split(code_data, "~")

Me.股票代码 = stockitem_array1(2)

Me.名称 = stockitem_array1(1)

Me.当前价 = stockitem_array1(3)

Me.开盘价 = stockitem_array1(5)

Me.最高价 = stockitem_array1(41)

Me.最低价 = stockitem_array1(42)

Me.涨跌 = Round(stockitem_array1(3) - stockitem_array1(5), 2)

Me.当前涨幅 = stockitem_array1(32)

If Me.当前涨幅 >= 0 Then

Me.当前涨幅.ForeColor = RGB(255, 50, 50)


Me.当前涨幅.ForeColor = RGB(50, 255, 50)

End If

Exit Sub


Me.股票代码 = ""

Me.名称 = ""

Me.当前价 = ""

Me.涨跌 = ""

Me.当前涨幅 = ""

Me.开盘价 = ""

Me.最高价 = ""

Me.最低价 = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Timer()

If Me.股票代码 <> "" Then

Call 获取并显示股票数据(Me.股票代码)

End If

End Sub