网络知识 娱乐 五星酒店到底是five star还是复数five stars?

五星酒店到底是five star还是复数five stars?

五星酒店到底是five star

还是复数five stars?

正确表达是:Five star 五星级的




①We didn't have money for a five-star hotel. So we booked an express Inn.


②How many stars does this restaurant have?



五星酒店到底是five star还是复数five stars?


1) Just a moment, please. I'll check the availability [əˌveɪlə bɪləti]for you.


2) I'm afraid we're fully booked for that time .


3) Would you like to make a reservation at another time?


4) I'm afraid we're fully booked for that time .


五星酒店到底是five star还是复数five stars?


1) What time would that be?


2) For how many people?


3) At what time can we expect you?


4) May I have your name and telephone number, please?


五星酒店到底是five star还是复数five stars?


1) How many tables shall I arrange?


2) How much would you like to spend for each table?


3) What drinks would you like?


4) What kinds of fruit/dessert[dɪˈzɜːt] would you like?



1、房 型

单人间 Single Room

双人间 Double Room

大床间 King Size & Queen Size Room

标准间 Standard

标准间单人住 TSU(Twin for Sole Use)

三人间 Triple

四人间 Quad

套间 Suite

公寓 Apartment

别墅 Villa

经济间 Economic Room

普通间 Standard Room

高级间 Superior Room

豪华间 Deluxe Room

商务标间 Business Room

行政标间 Executive Room

行政楼层 Executive Floor

城景房 City View Room

园景房 Garden View Room

海景房 Sea View Room

湖景房 Lake View Room

不限房型 Run of the House

无烟标准间 Non Smoking

残疾人客房 Handicapped Room

带厨房客房 Room with Kitchen

相邻房 Adjoining Room


Executive Officet 行政办公室

Human Resources Dept.人力资源部

Front Office 前厅部

Housekeeping Dept. 管家部

Food & Beverage Dept. 餐饮部

Recreational Dept. 康乐部

Financial Dept. 财务部

Sales Dept. 市场营销部

Security Dept. 保安部

Engineering Dept. 工程部

Room Service Dept. 房间服务部

information desk 问讯处

reception office 接待室

newsstand 售报处

shop 小卖部

bar 酒吧间

lounge 休息厅

roof garden 屋顶花园

billiard-room 球房

dining-room, dining hall 餐厅

cloak-room 行李房/存衣处


锁 lock

门把 door knob; Door handle

门环 door knocker

安全钩 safety door hook

沙发 sofa

椅子 chair

茶几 tea table; end table

床头柜 night table/stand

挂钩 hanger

书桌 desk

书橱 bookcase

书架 bookshelf

橱柜 cabinet

衣柜 wardrobe

圆桌 round table

写字台 writing desk

抽屉 drawer

行李架 luggage rack

壁橱 closet

五斗橱 chest of drawers

帽架 hat rack

小地毯 rug

大地毯 carpet

电扇 electric fan

空调 air-condition

蚊香 mosquito incense

电热水壶 electric kettle

吊灯 swag lamp; pendant light

日光灯 fluorescent lamp

台灯 desk lamp

床头灯 bedside lamp

落地灯 floor/standard lamp

壁灯 wall lamp

灯罩 lampshade/smokebell

灯泡 bulb

罗口灯泡 screw-type bulb

卡口灯泡 bayonet-type bulb

开关 switch

插座 socket

湿度调节器 electric humidifier

插头 plug

床头柜灯 night stand lamp

梳妆灯 dresser lamp

天花板吊灯 ceiling lamp

冰箱 fridge

床头柜电钮板 panel

门前的擦鞋棕垫 door-mat

茶杯 Tea cup

水杯 Water cup

酒杯 Wine cup

烟缸 Ashtray

五星酒店到底是five star还是复数five stars?


bed frame 床架

mattress 床垫

bed pad 床软垫

cushion 靠垫,垫子/床垫

mat 席

quilt 被子

blanket 毯子

sheet 床单

bedspread 床罩

cotton terry blanket 毛巾被

pillow 枕头

pillowcase 枕套

bedding 被褥


toilet roll, toilet paper, toilet tissue 卫生纸

perfume 香水

good-night towel 晚安巾

towel rail, towel rack 毛巾架

towel 毛巾

face towel 面巾

bath towel 浴巾

bathrobe 浴袍

evening gown 睡袍

lady’s sanitary 女士卫生袋

shower cap 淋浴帽

nail file 指甲挫

razor 剃须刀

comb 梳子

bath foam 沐浴露

cosmetics 化妆品

detergent 清洁剂

clothes-line 晾衣绳

sponge 海绵

soap 香皂

tooth paste 牙膏

tooth powder 牙粉

tooth brush 牙刷

Tooth cup 漱口杯

bathroom 浴室

bath tub 浴盆

tap; faucet 水龙头

shower nozzle 喷头

shower bath, shower 淋浴

dressingtable 梳妆台

mirror 镜子

washbasin 洗脸盆

toilet, lavatory, washroom 卫生间

toilet pot; toilet bowl 马桶

plunger 橡皮塞子

toilet water tank cover 马桶水箱盖

bath mat 花洒浴室防滑垫